Friday, October 27, 2006

Army didnt changed me

ahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, finally realised im back to normal. As in, the normal me before army...... lol, crazy... suddenly have the urge to go out and haf fun like shit.. ok, not the fun at clubbing, but the others, that we usually did before army. Haven't felt like this for so long already... maybe coz i didnt like anyone since entering army.. its so weird for me, it seems. haha -_-... say what army best dun like pple, will screw up.. it seems like so still i guess. but at least im back to what i am......

the ultimate problem.. because of this i dont feel like im in army.. and im screwing up my everyday in army.. lol!!!, shit, this is not something a commander shld do.... but still, im quite irritated the fact i couldnt become a officer because i screw my A lvl totally!.. Damn, i could even become police inspector and slack like johnson!

secondly, my aim, is of cause to study until next year As, its not doing well for 'A's next year, but to study till next year As.. with studying guaranteed results.. haha, yea, tts more like a aim.. but more recently.. i wanna get full mark for ATP with my m203, haha, something that people cant even pass.. = 1/2 mark.. watch it!, im gonna trash them all, win all those who use the easier SAR rifles.. Not only get marksman, but fullmark, trash everyone and enter SAF shooting team!.. wootx, cocky enough, but definitely thats where i wanna go. =].. hope i wont suay get IA, and it comes true. ^_^